Fill out an Idea Form

This should be fairly painless 🩻

Overview 📄

We know you've got ideas bouncing around up there 🧠 but it's time to get 'em out! An Idea form is a structure designed by your admin for you to express your thoughts. Use the fields provided to tell the best story about your idea possible.

Steps 📎

1. You can add a new Idea directly from the Home page if there's a green plus icon visible or from the Challenge record directly.

Home Page Challenge Record

2. Fill out the title and description of your Idea and choose the Owner and Ideators (don't worry you can change all of this once the record has been created).

3. Click Open to go to your brand new Idea.

4. Click on fields to edit them. Depending on the type of field (configured by your admin) you'll get different choices. See what filling out a one page form looks like below:

Make sure the cloud icon has a checkmark to ensure your progress has been saved, and voilà! A brand new idea is born!


You might notice fields that are marked with a red asterisk. This means they are required. Make sure to fill those out so your Idea can be moved to the next stage by the Challenge Owner!

Further Reading 📚

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