How to create an idea

Let's get those ideas on paper.

Create from anywhere

  1. From anywhere within edison365.
  2. Click the + Create button within the left sidebar.
  3. A create wizard will open;
    1. Click Idea.
    2. Select a Challenge from the carousel. You can navigate and search this carousel using the buttons in the top right corner.
    3. Click Next.
    4. Input a Title for your Idea. 
    5. Click Next.
    6. (Optional) Input a Description for your Challenge.
    7. Click Next.
    8. Assign yourself and any other Owners from the list to the Idea. You can find out more about Owners and the role here.
    9. Click Create.
    10. Click Open and will be redirected to your newly created Challenge.  Alternatively you can Close the create wizard or Create Another.

How to add an idea directly to a Challenge

  1. From within a Challenge.
  2. Click the + Add Idea button in the top right (if this is disabled, you cannot create ideas).
  3. A create wizard will open;
    1. Input a Title for your Idea. 
    2. Click Next.
    3. (Optional) Input a Description for your Challenge.
    4. Click Next.
    5. Assign yourself and any other Owners from the list to the Idea. You can find out more about Owners and the role here.
    6. Click Create.
    7. Click Open and will be redirected to your newly created Challenge.  Alternatively you can Close the create wizard or Create Another.