Use News and Events for Internal Training

Use News and Events to direct specific training materials to your edison365 users

On this Page

Forget about the word count just make your words... count 🥴

Learning and Support is a vital activity to get right if you want to be successful with the adoption of new software or new ways of doing things.

Getting the right information in front of the right people at the right time is also absolutely vital for Learning and Support material and very tricky to do.

Here we have configured the News and Events feature in edison365 in such a way that you can have key training materials directly configured into the edison365 app: 

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Bright and bold picture and description on the home screen, 250 words plus in the article with useful links to further learning... here's how we did it.

How to build this 🔨

The most difficult part is knowing what to write, the customization is the easy part. So head into the customization knowing what you want to get across to your end users and the rest will follow.

  1. Heading- Keep this short and punchy. Make it obvious what the article is about
  2. Start and expiry date- set these if you would like a delayed start or a deadline for your article, I have set these for the period the training will be live.
  3. Description- This will show on the Home Page so keep it short, sweet and clear
  4. Image- make sure this is a high resolution image that will fit into the look and feel of your app whilst providing more clarity regarding the article
  5. Read More- I have added a link to additional reading for trainers and have provided Read More Text that is clear and easy for them to follow
  6. Article Body- here I have provided 250 words worth of training and information to those doing the training. Make sure this is clear and formatted in a clean way to ensure the readers get as much from this as possible 

How this could be improved 🔍

  1. Use Start Date to your advantage. Rather than uploading your articles just as the training needs to go live, why not plan all content in advance and configure the start date to be a date in the future when the training goes live? This allows you to configure your full training plan directly into the software.
  2. Use better formatting. The example we have configured here is fairly bland- why not add images, different colored text and headings to provide more structure and intrigue in what you say?
  3. Configure more than one article. Here I have crammed all information into one article but you have the opportunity to configure a series of articles at your pleasure, time them for release as you wish and have a full bank of training materials for your users.

The steps to success 🏆

The things you need to build a training plan in edison365 like us:

  1. Do some thinking
    1. What is the training material?
    2. Who is it for?
    3. When does it need to be released?
    4. Save
  2. Build your News article
    1. Administration
    2. News tile
    3. Create
    4. Type in heading and description
    5. Set your start date and expiry date- note that these are date/time fields so you can be super specific
    6. Upload and image and edit the size- use the full window
    7. Add Read More URL and name this what you like
    8. Add the body of your article
    9. Click Save
  3. Finally, drag and drop your article in the News list to place it in the order you need
  4. Done

Further reading 📚

To learn even more about how to create a Risk Table that works for you, please refer to our Admin Guides.