Import Microsoft Project Data

Learn how to import project data directly from Microsoft Project

Microsoft Project - Social media & Logos Icons arrow Vector Icons free download in SVG, PNG Formatarrow Vector Icons free download in SVG, PNG Formatarrow Vector Icons free download in SVG, PNG Format Edison365_Logo_Mark_One_Colour_RGB_250px@72ppi

Prerequisites ✅

  • An existing .mpp file
  • An edison365 Project with a Schedule Table

Steps 📎

  1. The import option is found on the schedule table settings cog "Import a Project File".
  2. Clicking the "IMPORT" button will launch the file explorer to locate the mpp file.
  3. Selecting the .mpp file and clicking "Open" will initiate the data import.
  4. While the import is taking place the edison365 loading animation is seen on the settings cog.
  5. Once completed, the tasks from the .mpp file will appear in the tasks table. 
  6. Close the settings cog and check the imported tasks have imported as expected, update any tasks as needed.
  7. Ensure the project save icon is completed before navigating away. (See the arrow above in the example, it has not saved yet.)

Tip: It is recommended to import the .mpp file in to an empty schedule tasks table.

Note: In the current version, the import is limited to 600 tasks in the .mpp file.

Data Mapping Details ➡️

The following data is mapped from the Microsoft .mpp file into the edison365 Schedule table:

Source MPP file field Target edison365 schedule table field
Task Name Name
Start StartDate
Finish EndDate
% Complete PercentDone
Work Effort
* Displayed in the Work field Effort Unit
Constraint Date ConstraintDate
Constraint Type Constraint Type
Ignore Resource Calendar IgnoreResourceCalendar
Milestone IsMilestone
Rollup Rollup
Duration Duration
* Displayed in the Duration field DurationUnit
Type SchedulingMode
Task Mode ManuallyScheduled
Notes Description
Resource Names AssignedResource
Predecessor Predecessor
Successor Successor

Resource names that exist in the .mpp file are mapped to tasks in the edison365 Schedule table where the resource name from the .mpp file matches a resource name in the central edison365 Resource list.

The default calendar is also used from the imported data. 

In a later release there will be an update where we will try to match the calendars in the .mpp file and edison365 instance by name and apply those.