Manage Access to my idea

Want to edit who and what people have access to? Then look no further 🔭

Owners, Process Managers and Admin functionality.

Here you can configure who can access the Idea and what access they have:

  • Process Managers
    Defined at template level. Process Managers act as Idea admin and will have edit access and Read Only access to all ideas submitted against the Idea .
  • Owners
    Defaults to the Idea creator. Owners are displayed on the Idea card.
  • Readers
    Has read-only access on the Idea .
  • Reviewers
    Reviews the current stage according to the criteria set by the admin. Can submit a review of the Idea .


  1. Select more_horiz_24dp_FILL0_wght400_GRAD0_opsz24 actions menu.
  2. Click Manage Access.
  3. Edit the list of users within each role.