The Benefits of Moving Ideas and Challenges

A nice, easy way to move ideas from one funnel to another, or switch your challenges between types in edison365ideas.

Use cases for moving ideas and challenges

One advantage of edison365ideas - it's super flexible! That means you can customize it to suit your particular way of doing things. Here are some examples of how it can help you when you're moving ideas and challenges:

Creating single flow of ideas

So, if you'd like to funnel all of your ideas through one challenge, then move them into different stages and processes afterwards, you can do so.

Switching up the review process

You could also move ideas to a different challenge during the review process. This would allow you to get a second opinion from different reviewers, or run it through different processes. This is great if you have smaller ideas, which are quick and easy to invest in.

Reviewing challenges by type

You may decide to review batches of challenges or ideas in one go. So, when your challenge reaches a certain level of maturity, you could move it to new type and review all challenges within that type together.

How to move ideas

moving idea - layout

To move your idea to another challenge, click into it and select "review idea" from the yellow buttons to the right of your screen.

Here you've got two options: you can move it within to a new stage within the existing challenge, or you can move it to a different one altogether.

You'll also be able to choose which stage you'd like the idea to move to within the new challenge. 

How to move challenges

move challenge - layout

When viewing a challenge, select the 'Review Challenge' button. A pop-up screen will appear with two tabs, you'll need to navigate into the 'Challenge type' tab. From there, you'll be given the option to change the type and select what you'd like to happen to your ideas by stage.