
Hot off the press! Read all about it!

On this Page

Create a News article

  1. From the administration home, go to News.
  2. Click Create in the top right corner of the table.
  3. Enter a heading for your news article.
  4. (Optional) Enter a Start Date and Expiry Date for your article.
    1. The Start Date is the date when the article will first appear on the home page
    2. The Expiry Date is the last date the article will be shown, after which time it won't appear on the home page.
  5. Configure your News Card.
  6. Configure your article.
  7. Click Save.

You can make your news article permanent by leaving the Start and Expiry Date blank.

News Card Configuration

The news card is seen on your home page and can be configured. This configuration includes adding an image and a card description.

Adding Images

To add an image, simply click anywhere within the 'drag and drop' box which will prompt an image upload. Upload your image and choose the area to be displayed on the card.

The card image will be horizontal so grab a horizontal section of your image!

Dimensons: 650 px x 174 px

Adding Descriptions

To input your card description, simply start typing.

The card description acts as an article preview and will only be viewed on the card.

Article Configuration

The article itself is configured via a Rich Text Field. You can add images, text and links, so customise to your liking!

Editing a News Article

After you've created a news article, you can edit them to change the header, or any other configuration options.

Changes to news articles can be made at any time. The changes will affect the live card, and saved changes take effect immediately. 


  1. From the administration home, go to News.
  2. Select the row (checkbox on left) of the field you wish to edit.
  3. Click Edit in the top right corner of the table.
  4. Modify the configuration.
  5. Click Save.

You can only edit one news article at a time.

Deleting a News Article

Deleting an active News Article will stop users being able to view this article from the home page.


  1. From the administration home, go to News.
  2. Select the row (checkbox on left) of the news article you wish to delete.
  3. Click Delete in the top right corner of the table.


Restoring a News Article

Only Deleted articles can be restored.

You can restore a single or multiple deleted articles at a time.


  1. From the administration home, go to News.
  2. Click Deleted tab.
  3. Select the row (checkbox on left) of the news article you wish to restore.
  4. Click the Restore button in the top right corner of the table.


Permanently Deleting a News Article

Only Deleted news articles can be permanently deleted.

Permanently Deleting a deleted article will remove the article completely from edison365. Deleted articles can't be restored. 

You can permanently delete a single article, or multiple articles at the same time by selecting multiple rows.


  1. From the administration home, go to News.
  2. Click Deleted tab.
  3. Select the checkbox in the row of the news article you wish to edit.
  4. Click delete_FILL0_wght400_GRAD0_opsz48delete icon in the top right corner of the table.