Navigate the Personal Page

All things do revolve around you... here! 🌌

Here's my Personal Page so you can get the idea... (pun intended!)

Major Components 🔨

  1. Dashboard
    1. This includes yours profile picture, level ranking, and medals on the left, and My Stats and your Add Challenge/ Idea buttons on the right
    2. Gamification Only: My Points / Rank infographic
  2. Ideas
    1. Any Ideas for which you are listed as Owner will appear here
  3. Challenges
    1. Any Challenges for which you are listed as Owner will appear here
  4. Triage
    1. If you are assigned to any triages they will appear here
  5. Notifications
    1. Manage notifications for any Ideas or Challenges your want to subscribe to
    2. You can also blanket turn on/ off notifications for all Challenges or Ideas
    3. You are able to subscribe or unsubscribe from different triggers directly in this menu
  6. Audience Membership
    1. This is determined by your administrator, but allows you to see the audiences of which you are a part
  7. Awards (Gamification Only)
    1. See the list of available awards
    2. See if you have enough points for any of them
    3. Claim your award
  8. Votes
    1. Any Ideas or Challenges that you've voted on appear here
    2. You are able to increase/ decrease votes directly from this menu