Secure Software Development
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Security Overview

edison365 takes the security of its products and solutions extremely seriously. We align to the highest security standards and as a Microsoft Partner, we follow best in class principles to ensure that data integrity is paramount – within our own infrastructure and that of our clients.

Responsibility for security however remains a blended approach between edison365 the supplier, Microsoft as the Cloud provider and the client who remains responsible for their own IT estate.

To that end we follow Microsoft’s Shared Responsibility in the Cloud model.

edison365 shared responsibility model

edison365 leverage security benefits of PaaS

e365 paas

Starting at the bottom of the stack, the physical infrastructure, Microsoft mitigates common risks and responsibilities. Because the Microsoft cloud is continually monitored by Microsoft, it is hard to attack. 

In the middle of the stack, there is no difference between a PaaS deployment and on-premises. At the application layer and the account and access management layer, you have similar risks. 

At the top of the stack, data governance and rights management, you take on one risk that can be mitigated by key management. While key management is an additional responsibility, you have areas in a PaaS deployment that you no longer have to manage so you can shift resources to key management.

The Azure platform also provides you strong DDoS protection by using various network-based technologies. However, all types of network-based DDoS protection methods have their limits on a per-link and per-datacenter basis. To help avoid the impact of large DDoS attacks, you can take advantage of Azure’s core cloud capability of enabling you to quickly and automatically scale out to defend against DDoS attacks.