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User Roles Explained

You have been invited to get involved in the wonderful World of edison365. Lucky you. Everyone has a role to play! ðŸĪĐ

Before you start exploring the app and learning the user interface, you could do with knowing a little bit about what user roles we have in the app and how to ask for the right one from your admin. 

We don't expect expert levels of knowledge, we just want you to be able to get your job done.

Checking you have the Right Role

Some tell tale signs...

  • See this blue cross on your Home Page? You've been made an Owner:
  • Can you see other users records like this:

Then you are probably a Process Manager for records within the template type or an Owner or an Editor for the record.

  • Got a list of reviews the length of your arm:

Then you have been assigned as a Reviewer against these records. 

Let us explain through a little... role play 🙈

Your manager, Sandra ðŸ‘Đ‍ðŸĶģ, wants you, Jeff ðŸ‘Ļ‍ðŸĶē, to do certain things. You (Jeff) need to have the right user role to be able to do this. Simples:

Sandra asks... ðŸ‘Đ‍ðŸĶģ Jeff respond...ðŸ‘Ļ‍ðŸĶē
Can you create me a project for opening that new sandwich shop? Sure, but I need to be and Owner for that Template so I can create the project, Sandra
Jim has a project ongoing, can you take over from him? Of course, can you make me an Owner for that project?
We have had a nightmare getting the new cheese melt signed off, you need review this and provide me with feedback. Gladly, can you add me as a Reviewer so I can complete the checklist?
Right, I don't need you to be involved in running the introduction of the new mayo recipe but I need you to oversee its progress. Can you make sure it is going in the right direction and follows our sign of procedures?  Oh that would be no problem, can you please ensure I am the Process Manager for the correct Template, I can do the rest. 
I don't need a lot from you, I just need you to make tweaks to the mayo project, now. Don't run it, don't review it, just change some things in the executive summary. Got it? A bit short of you there, Sandra, but no problem. Make sure I am assigned as an Editor, if possible?

There will be many nuances and scenarios we have not covered but this will get you started and will certainly help you in asking the right questions so you can get your job done.