
Go with the flow.

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Create a Workflow


  1. From the administration home, go to Workflow.
  2. Click Create in the top right corner of the table.
  3. Enter a name for your workflow.
  4. (Optional) Enter a description for your workflow. 
  5. (Optional) Check 'Allow Manual Stage Changes'
  6. Configure your Workflow.
  7. Click Save.

Workflow descriptions can be added for admins to understand its intended use.

Manual Stage Changes allows the owner to pick any stage for the Record to be in without having to go through approvals.

Workflow Configuration

When building out a workflow, there are infinite configurations. We'll run through the basics here for you so you can create it to your liking.

There are three types of workflow stage: 


Adding a Stage Node


  1. Click '+' in top left of canvas. 
  2. Click the post_add_FILL0_wght400_GRAD0_opsz48 Stage icon in the dropdown menu.
  3. Node will be added into the canvas.

For more information on stage nodes configuration, check out the article here.


Adding a Review Stage Node


  1. Click '+' in top left of canvas. 
  2. Click the rate_review_FILL0_wght400_GRAD0_opsz48 Review Stage icon in the dropdown menu.
  3. Node will be added into the canvas.

For more information on review stage nodes configuration, check out the article here.


Adding a Condition Node


  1. Click '+' in top left of canvas. 
  2. Click the call_split_FILL0_wght400_GRAD0_opsz48 Condition icon in the dropdown menu.
  3. Node will be added into the canvas.

For more information on condition nodes configuration, check out the article here.


Linking Nodes

Linking nodes allows you to define the workflow path and the stage ordering that any record using this workflow will follow.   


  1. Click and hold on a circular dot on the nodes outer edge
  2. Drag the line to another nodes input circular dot.
  3. Release the click to form the connection.

Top edge / Left edge dot = Input

Bottom edge / Right edge dot = Output

Connect all nodes on the canvas in order to build out a successful workflow that can be saved.

A condition node needs to be linked to two outputs, one true and one false.

True is the first node connection.


Editing a Workflow

After you've created a workflow, you can edit them to change their name, description, and any configuration options.

Changes to workflows can be made at any time, the changes will affect your records. Saved changes take effect immediately. 


  1. From the administration home, go to Workflow.
  2. Select the row (checkbox on left) of the workflow you wish to edit.
  3. Click Edit in the top right corner of the table.
  4. Modify the workflow configuration.
  5. Click Save.

You can only edit one workflow at a time.

Deleting a Workflow

Deleting an active workflow will stop users being able to use this workflow in any templates, all previously entered data will be un-effected and visible where in use.

You can delete a single workflow, or multiple workflows at the same time by selecting multiple rows.


  1. From the administration home, go to Workflow.
  2. Select the row (checkbox on left) of the workflow you wish to delete.
  3. Click Delete in the top right corner of the table.

Restoring a Workflow

Only Deleted workflows can be restored.

Restoring a workflow will allow users to use this workflow in any templates.

You can restore a single workflow, or multiple workflows at the same time by selecting multiple rows.


  1. From the administration home, go to Workflows.
  2. Click Deleted tab.
  3. Select the checkbox in the row of the workflow you wish to restore.
  4. Click the Restore in the top right corner of the table.


Permanently Deleting a Workflow

Only Deleted workflows can be permanently deleted.

Permanently Deleting a deleted workflow will remove the workflow completely from edison365 and delete all instances and data. Deleted workflows can't be restored. 

You can permanently delete a single workflow, or multiple workflows at the same time by selecting multiple rows.


  1. From the administration home, go to Workflows.
  2. Click Deleted tab.
  3. Select the checkbox in the row of the workflow you wish to delete.
  4. Click the Delete icon in the top right corner of the table.