Auxiliary Users Tables

Until the API adds some more updates... you might need this little trick ⚡

Prerequisites ✅

  • PowerBI Desktop
  • edison365 PowerBI Template Report
    • more on our reports here

Steps 📎

  1. Open the report you'd like to add the Owners names to
  2. Click Transform Data (top bar, center)
  3. Right click on the Configuration data > New Query> Excel Workbook
  4. Choose the table (not the sheet)
  5. Rename this table Users
  6. Open the Table and filter out any null values in the EntityID column.
  7. Once imported, you can create a relationship between the Owner column and the entityID column. Drag the Owner field from each of the tables to the entityID column. Make sure this relationship is multi-to-one and cross-filters in a single direction.
    1. Note: sometimes the relationship takes a second to form, be patient!
  8. Repeat this process with all tables that have an Owner column.

Results 🟰

By creating these relationships the report will replace the ugly, complex string with the actual name of the person it represents... so you can read your leaderboard like a human 😄