
How-to on all things fields.

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Create a Field

  1. From the administration home, go to Fields.
  2. Click Create in the top right corner of the table.
  3. Enter a name for your field, along with additional configuration.
  4. Click Save.

Field descriptions can be used as instructional text, as these are visible next to the field name for users.

Additional Configuration

There are some optional extras when it comes to creating fields, we'll run through them here for you so you can customise them to your liking!


There are multiple types of fields available, each suitable for different purposes. Click on each type to find out more about its specific configurations.

Editing a Field

After you've created fields, you can edit them to change their name, descriptions, or any other field configuration options.

Changes to field details can be made at any time, the changes will affect your records. Saved changes take effect immediately. 

The field internal name cannot be updated once created. This value will have no impact on your users, it is used only by those using APIs.


  1. From the administration home, go to Fields.
  2. Select the row (checkbox on the left) of the field you wish to edit.
  3. Click Edit in the top right corner of the table.
  4. Modify the field configuration.
  5. Click Save.

You can only edit one field at a time.

Deleting a Field

Deleting an active field will stop users from being able to add this field to newly created records, all previously entered data will be un-effected and visible where in use.

You can delete a single field or multiple fields at the same time by selecting multiple rows.

To delete a field, follow these steps:

  1. From the administration home, go to Fields.
  2. Select the row (checkbox on left) of the field you wish to delete.
  3. Click the Delete icon in the top right corner of the table.



Restoring a Field

Only Deleted fields can be restored.

You can restore a single or multiple deleted fields at a time.

To restore a field, follow these steps:

  1. From the administration home, go to Fields.
  2. Click Deleted tab.
  3. Select the row (checkbox on left) of the field you wish to restore.
  4. Click the Restore button in the top right corner of the table.


Permanently Deleting a Field

Only Deleted fields can be permanently deleted.

Permanently Deleting a deleted field will remove the field completely from edison365 and delete all instances and data. Deleted fields can't be restored. 

You can permanently delete a single field, or multiple fields at the same time by selecting multiple rows.

To permanently delete a field, follow these steps:

  1. From the administration home, go to Fields.
  2. Click Deleted tab.
  3. Select the checkbox in the row of the field you wish to delete.
  4. Click the delete_FILL0_wght400_GRAD0_opsz48 Delete icon in the top right corner of the table.


System Field

Can't edit or delete a field? This is a System Field.

System Fields are permanent fields created by edison365, enabling core functionality across the system. They cannot be deleted or edited.