How to πŸ€”

Share Your Report

Sharing is caring πŸ’–

Sharing Power BI online reports is a great way to collaborate with others in your organization. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to do it:

Step 1: Sign In to Power BI

First, navigate to the Power BI service at and sign in with your Microsoft account credentials.

Step 2: Open Your Report

Once you’re signed in, navigate to the workspace that contains the report you want to share. Click on the report to open it.

Step 3: Click on the Share Button

With the report open, click on the β€œShare” button located at the top left corner of the screen.

Step 4: Enter Recipient Details

In the β€œShare report” pane, enter the email addresses of the people you want to share the report with. You can also choose whether recipients can share the report with others and whether they can build new content with the report’s data.

Step 5: Add a Message (Optional)

You can add a message that will be included in the email notification to the recipients. This is optional but can be useful to provide context about the report.

Step 6: Share the Report

Click on the β€œShare” button at the bottom of the β€œShare report” pane. An email notification with a link to the report will be sent to the recipients.

Remember, only people who have a Power BI Pro license or who are in the same organization as the report’s workspace can view the shared report. If you want to share reports with others outside of your organization, consider publishing to the web or exporting to PDF or PowerPoint.

Happy sharing!