What is a Card?

Pretty pictures and important information... could this be any more edison365?!?!

Cards are the way Records (your Idea, Challenge, Business Case, etc.) are displayed in the edison365 user interface.  

Key Card features:

  • Record Title- this is at the very top 
  • Record Type- just underneath (this will be different depending on the Record Type)
  • Image- might be a standard image for the Record set by the Admin, or it might have been changed by the user.
  • Workflow Stage- found in the bottom left of the Image
  • Record Description- text towards the bottom of the Card
  • Record Owners- the pretty faces at the bottom of the Card (note the Teams presence next to the face 😮)
  • Card Dropdown- click on the arrow to find out lots of detail without needing to click into the Record

Cards GIF

Card content will be different for every record as the User can control:

  • The title 🥳
  • The image 🖼️
  • The stage 🎭
  • The description 😎

How it is Built 👷🏼‍♀️

So what if you're not an Admin, it is still good to know how it works 💪🏽.

Where to find it 🔎

The building blocks 🧱

Card Admin Redo GIF

Depending on your user type you can find, create and edit cards in the admin console found on the left hand side of the homepage. 

Further Reading 📚

How to create a record

A Day in the Life of a Record Owner

How to guide for all things Cards