Calculated Fields

Taking on Calculated Fields? We've got you covered.

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Please note: This is an advanced admin feature. This field type will not be suitable for all administrators.

This field type is very specific and should only be used when you would like to create a dynamic data output. 

Inserting Values

Inserting Operator via the dedicated buttons above the expression box:

  1. From the Calculated type field configuration, click the button which displays the operator required.
  2. This operator will be displayed where the cursor is within the expression box.

For example, to input an addition operator, select the + button in the top left corner above the expression box.

These dedicated operator buttons do not include all available operators.

Inserting Operator via dropdown menu:

  1. From the Calculated type field configuration, click the blue Operators box
  2. Click the required operator from the dropdown list
  3. This operator will be displayed where the cursor is within the expression box

For example, to input an addition operator, select the Sum + button in the dropdown list.

This list contains all supported operators.

Inserting Fields via dropdown menu:

  1. From the Calculated type field configuration, click the orange Fields box.
  2. Click the required field from the dropdown list.
  3. This field will be displayed where the cursor is within the expression box.

For example, to input a field called Big Field, select Big Field in the dropdown list.

This list contains all custom and system fields.

Inserting Custom Number values:

  1. From the Calculated type field configuration, click the green Number box above the expression box.
  2. A green number will be displayed where the cursor is within the expression box.
  3. Click this newly input number to edit the value.

For example, to input a number of 100, select the green number button and change the default value to 100 in the expression box.


Deleting Values

You can only delete values one at a time.

  1. From the Calculated type field configuration, click the Value you wish to delete
  2. Click the 'X' in the top right corner of the highlighted value

If you are using the IF Function and wish to remove a nested IF, you can do so via the fixed 'X' in the top right corner of the function.


Moving expression values

You can move around all added values to an expression using a drag-and-drop interaction.

  1. Click and hold the value you wish to move
  2. Drag the selected value to the new position in the expression

Basic Function

How to create a basic function

  1. From the Calculated type field configuration,
  2. Click the burgundy Functions box above the expression box.
  3. Click Basic from the dropdown list.

This is the default expression format.


Basic function allow you to create an expression using field(s).

For example, Total Cost equals Salaries plus Expenses:

Calculated Field Name = Total Cost

Expression would look like:

=  [Field: Salaries] [Operator: +] [Field: Expenses]


If Salaries = 5 and Expenses = 10:

Total Cost = 5 + 10

Total Cost = 15

IF Function

How to create a IF function

  1. From the Calculated type field configuration,
  2. Click the burgundy Functions box above the expression box.
  3. Click IF from the dropdown list.
  4. The expression box will update to the IF format.


IF function runs a logical test and returns one value for a TRUE result and another for a FALSE result.

For example, to "pass" scores above 70:

= IF ( Score > 70 )

   THEN Pass = 1 

   ELSE Pass = 0


If Score = 10, Pass = 0.

More than one condition can be tested by nesting IF functions.

Return value 

The values you supply for TRUE or FALSE


  • logical_test - A value or logical expression that can be evaluated as TRUE or FALSE.
  • value_if_true - [optional] The value to return when logical_test evaluates to TRUE.
  • value_if_false - [optional] The value to return when logical_test evaluates to FALSE.


= IF(logical_test)
    THEN [value_if_true]
    ELSE [value_if_false]


This field only supports numerical values. We plan to expand to dates and text inputs in the future.

Supported Field Types:

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