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The Personal Page

All things do revolve around you... here!🪐🌌

Navigate here to find your Favorite Records, your To-Do list, Upcoming Tasks, Reviews, Items and your own Personal Records.

Quick Tour 📽️

Watch the short video below 👇

Tip: If you have stuff to do, skip all other pages and come directly to your Personal Page first for the most efficient use of edison365. You can even bookmark it instead of the Home Page.

Major Components 🔨

  1. Dashboard Tab
    1. Overdue Items- all your Reviews, Items and Tasks that are overdue and need actioning 
    2. This Week's Items- all your Reviews, Items and Tasks that will be coming down the track next week for actioning
    3. My Favorites- when you are in a Record, at the top there is a ❤, click this and you can pin that Record to your Dashboard 
    4. Personal Info- details about your profile that you may find useful
  2. Tasks Tab- all the tasks you have been assigned that are:
    1. Overdue
    2. Due today
    3. Due this week
    4. Due next week
    5. Upcoming
    6. Have no deadline
  3. Cards Tab- this is where all your Records live. Filters across the top allow you to find exactly what you're looking for. 
  4. Reviews Tab- come here to see any Reviews requiring you attention. Click on the down arrow to see the checklist that needs to be completed.
  5. Items Tab- where any Items for you attention live. Filter by:
    1. Table Name- name of the table where the items live
    2. Card Type- type of Record it is i.e. Project, Business Case and such like
    3. Card Name- the name of the Record

Want to learn more? 📖