Tips & Tricks

It's the little things that save you the most time ⏱️

Overview 📃

Just like other programs (think Excel or Outlook) there is some built in functionality to help you orient tables and fill in data as efficiently as possible. Here's a little crash course to up your edison365 skills 💪

Keyboard Shortcuts ⌨️

Some people avoid their mouse like the plague... 🙅🐁 This is for all you keyboard warriors.

Keys Action Action Description
Enter finishAndEditNextRow Finish editing and start editing the same cell in next row


Finish editing

Shift+Enter finishAndEditPrevRow Finish editing and start editing the same cell in previous row
Shift+alt+right arrow indent indent the selected task(s)
Shift+alt+left arrow outdent outdent the selected task(s)
Tab finishAndEditNextCell Finish editing and start editing the next cell

Note: Ctrl is the equivalent to Command and Alt is the equivalent to Option for Mac users 🍎

Table Settings Intro ⚙️

For everything you need to know about View Settings check out: Work With Schedule Table Settings. But here are a few highlights to get you started...

Icon Name Function
Fullscreen Block out distractions by maximizing the table to full screen; ideal for untangling a messy schedule
Fit to Width When using the Gantt chart, hit this button to fit to width properly from Start to End Date

Right Click 🖱️

The keyboard got a spotlight, but it's mouse users' turn. If you right click on a task or column header you will get a pop-up menu with relevant additional options. Click Edit to update task details and save, or Filter to reduce the amount of rows based on the column criteria. 

Right Click on a Task Edit Filter

Further Reading 📚

For all the toolbar settings in detail: Work with Schedule Table Settings
Ready to dive into making your first Schedule? Start simple.