Schedule Tables

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On this Page

Configuration Options

There are no configuration options for the Schedule table type.


Adding a Field to a Table

Fields can only be added once per table.

To add a Field to a Table, follow these steps:

  1. From the Table configuration.
  2. Within the left panel.
    1. Select the corresponding field category (System or Custom). Please see Fields for more information on creating/editing fields.
    2. Click the arrow_drop_down_FILL0_wght400_GRAD0_opsz48 expand arrow on the right hand side of the corresponding field type.
    3. Click the field name. The field will then appear within the right hand panel and grey out on the left hand panel. This field is now added to the table.


Remove a Field from a Table

  1. From the Table configuration.
  2. Within the right panel.
    1. Click the delete_FILL0_wght400_GRAD0_opsz48 delete icon on the right hand side of the field.
    2. The field will then be removed within the right hand panel and the field name will return to full colour on the left hand panel.


System Fields

Can't delete a field? This is a System Field.

System Fields are permanent fields created by edison365 which enables core functionality across the system. They cannot be deleted.


View Settings


At least one custom view must be configured. See View Settings for more.


Further Reading