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The Resources Page

Resource management is super slick, easy and... sexy 🙈 in edison365 and here we will explain how.

Let's take a look at Resource Management and how to spin up the quickest Resource Report you ever did see.

Major Components

  1. Resources
    1. Search previously created resources
    2. View existing resources 
    3. Create new resources (from your Active Directory, as a generic or named resource) 
  2. Reports
    1. Edit filters
    2. Add filters (just names of resources for the time being)
    3. Choose your resource
    4. Choose your date range
    5. Generate your report
  3. Fields
    1. Select the custom fields you wish to add against your chosen resource 

Key Ingredients 🍳

  1. Calendars customized and ready
  2. Fields customized and ready
  3. Resources created
  4. Project created, Schedule set, resources added...
  5. Create your super cool resource report

Want to learn more? 📖